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My nature/celtic blog can be found over here: On The Shores of C?ivien?n
My fandom blog (Game of Thrones, Marvel Comics, Dr. Who) can be found over here: Rattle and Burn
Or follow me on twitter @ladylocharbor
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Francy and Friends will be LIVE from The Days of Terror Convention, be sure to tune in as they will be meeting some of the biggest names in horror films. You never know who you might run into.
Michelle Materre's professional background spans more than 25 years in television, film and video with a concentration on independent film. She has worked in a myriad capacities and is here to discuss how she got her start.
At only 20 years old, J. Anton Boykin is already affectionately known as the "Sax Sensation." Since the age of eight he has been mastering the craft of music. Come listen to him talk about what inspires him.
EGH Media presents Rowan Galagher who is The Mad Pride. A singer, songwriter and instrumentalist who doesn't read music and also successfully controls Tourette?s syndrome.
Helen Yoest, award winning lifestyle writer and stylist whose work has appeared in Better Homes & Gardens, Traditional Home, Martha Stewart Living & Fine Gardening magazines joins us to discuss her new book "Gardening With Confidence"
MGN Radio welcomes Author Ngozi Achebe to discuss her new book, Onaedo - The Blacksmith's Daughter on our show. Her debut novel has already been nominated for several literary awards.
The Gridiron Chefs with TP Tymless and James Greenwood break down the weeks games in the NFL, the pressing topics around the league and listener questions.
If you want to know who the ?real? Mitt Romney is, tune in this Saturday at Noon ET to hear from Dr. Dane Bryant, a lifelong friend of the GOP candidate.
This week Tim and Jill will finish the discussion on LGBT and Marriage Equality, this is a hot topic that has been trending on social networks and is an important issue for voters as we near election time.
It's open-wheel racing and NASCAR on this episode, as Dustin Parks will be joined by guest co-host Glenn Locke. These two always bring great conversation, and this will be no different.
Grab your Saturday morning coffee and tune into "Those Diner and Motorcycle Guys" hosted by those eggs over easy riders Garrison Leykam and Scot Doane. "Those Diner and Motorcycle Guys"...talk radio was never like this!
The Bad Seed and Nadine Michel welcome Krayz Drayz of the legendary hip hop group; Das Efx, to the show. Krayz Drayz stops by to discuss the origon of the "iggedy" style that blew up all over the world.
BGE Radio welcomes Playboy Model Crissy Henderson to the show. Crissy is an actress, model and philanthropist. Tune in as she speaks about her life and upcoming work.
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Workers are still on the job Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, near Shelbyville, Tenn., at the site of a house fire that where an elderly couple and two young children lived. Authorities were searching the debris for the remains of the two missing children, 9-year-old Chloie Leverette and 7-year-old Gage Daniel. The two children were initially believed to have perished in the intense fire, which firefighters battled overnight Sunday and early Monday. (AP Photo/Kristin M. Hall)
Workers are still on the job Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, near Shelbyville, Tenn., at the site of a house fire that where an elderly couple and two young children lived. Authorities were searching the debris for the remains of the two missing children, 9-year-old Chloie Leverette and 7-year-old Gage Daniel. The two children were initially believed to have perished in the intense fire, which firefighters battled overnight Sunday and early Monday. (AP Photo/Kristin M. Hall)
A worker moves a wheel barrel on Thursday, Sept. 27, 2012, near Shelbyville, Tenn., at the site of a house fire where an elderly couple and two young children lived. Authorities were searching the debris for the remains of the two missing children, 9-year-old Chloie Leverette and 7-year-old Gage Daniel. The two children were initially believed to have perished in the intense fire, which firefighters battled overnight Sunday and early Monday. (AP Photo/Kristin M. Hall)
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) ? Authorities in Tennessee issued a statewide Amber Alert on Friday for two children missing since their home was destroyed by an intense fire.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation sent out the alert late Friday evening after investigators spent a fifth day trying to determine if there were any remains of the children in the fire debris.
The children, identified as 9-year old Chloie Leverette and 7-year old Gage Daniel, were living with their step-grandparents at the house that burned Sunday night and early Monday.
"We don't know where they are," said TBI spokeswoman Kristin Helm, adding that the alert has not been sent to other states. "We don't have any indication that they're in another state."
Two bodies tentatively identified as 72-year-old Leon "Bubba" McClaran and his wife, 70-year-old Molli McClaran, were recovered Monday and have been sent to the Nashville medical examiner's office for autopsy.
Multiple fire experts had processed the debris of the incinerated farmhouse and no trace of the children was found, the TBI said in a news release announcing the alert.
On Wednesday, the TBI issued an endangered child alert for the two when officials said they could not find the children's remains.
Helm said the TBI does not have any direct evidence that the children are victims of foul play. She said there are no persons of interest in the case and that investigators are following all leads, but would not elaborate.
Forensic teams from Middle Tennessee State University and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville were brought in to help in the search.
Forensic anthropologist Steven A. Symes, who formerly worked in the medical examiner's office for Shelby County, said it was a smart decision for authorities to bring in these teams because they have the expertise.
"It just takes some screening and some close looking and understanding that a piece of drywall and piece of skull bone burned look about identical," he said.
Symes said the recovery of remains from fires has advanced as the forensic anthropology field grows, but he acknowledged it is still a slow process. He said the length of time to recover remains depends on the scene and how detailed the search is.
"Unfortunately sometimes a case that you least expect to be suspicious or difficult turns into that type of case," he said.
Christopher Garrett, a spokesman for the State Fire Marshal's office, said he did not have any information on a cause of the fire.
Associated Press Writer Janet Cappiello contributed to this report.
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* These are the first three letters of the Hebrew alphabet, equivalent to our ABCs.
Some popular symbols of kosher certification. (Photo source: article author)
Over the past few years, and partially in response to customer demand, more and more tea sellers have been seeking out and qualifying for certifications for their teas, including?kosher.
The laws governing kosher foods are based on the health and well-being of the world, although they derive from a different source than some other certifications. (Remember the commercials for Hebrew National hot dogs that ?answer to a higher authority??) Kosher is governed by Jewish Biblical law, or halacha. Foods (and beverages) with kosher certification are considered fit and proper and permissible to eat according to this law.
While people of all religions seek out kosher food because of its perceived quality (foods are prepared under stringent supervision), the consumption of kosher-only food and drink is a requirement of Judaism. And that also pertains to tea.
As a natural product, tea is innately kosher ? fit for consumption. Generally speaking, if a loose-leaf tea does not include flavourings or colourings, whether natural or artificial, it is considered kosher by default, and does not require certification. This includes decaffeinated teas. Some of the world?s most popular scented teas ? bergamot-scented Earl Grey, jasmine, and rose ? are also considered innately kosher.
If a tea contains additives or is blended with any other products, it must be produced under kosher supervision and meet all the requirements of ?fit and proper? to obtain kosher certification. This encompasses both ingredients and the processing method. Certain types of packaging can also render a tea as not kosher. Additionally, bottled teas ? including juice and alcoholic blends, tea concentrates, and instant teas require kosher supervision. When shopping for these types of teas, look for the kosher symbol on the package: the most common ones are OU (Orthodox Union) and Star-K, although there are various other national, international, and local kosher-certifying organizations.
Nowadays, when over 75% of all packaged foods in the USA carry a kosher certification, it?s easier than ever to find teas that you like while observing kosher law. Some popular tea sellers such as English Tea Store and Harney & Sons offer a wide variety of excellent teas with kosher certification.
I want to be clear that I am not a rav or halachic scholar, so readers should consider this a discussion of general guidelines. If you have specific questions about what is or isn?t kosher, please direct them to a qualified rabbinical source.
? Online Stores, Inc., and The English Tea Store Blog, 2009-2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this article?s author and/or the blog?s owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Online Stores, Inc., and The English Tea Store Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
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Source: http://englishtea.us/2012/09/28/the-aleph-beit-gimels-of-kosher-tea/
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A U.S. appeals court has dealt the latest setback, and the most important one to date, to Google's hopes that it could address Android's huge patent infringement problems through the abusive pursuit and enforcement of sales bans based on Motorola Mobility's standard-essential patents, forcing the holders of non-standard-essential patents violated by Android into cross-license deals or mutual non-assertion pacts. The noose keeps tightening and it appears to be only a question of when, not if, Motorola will have to extend a standard-essential patent license to Microsoft on truly FRAND terms.
On Friday afternoon by Pacific Time, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its opinion dismissing Motorola Mobility's appeal of a preliminary injunction by the United States District Court for the Western District of Washington that enjoined and, after the appeal was just turned down, continues to enjoin the Google subsidiary from enforcing a couple of German H.264-related patent injunctions that the Mannheim Regional Court had granted in May. The preliminary injunction had been granted by Judge James L. Robart, the federal judge presiding over the Microsoft v. Motorola Mobility FRAND contract dispute in the Seattle-based district court. The Ninth Circuit has now found that Judge Robart applied the correct legal standard and did not abuse his discretion in barring Motorola from enforcement in Germany.
The appeals court's ruling follows a September 11, 2012 hearing in San Francisco and means that Google must wait until Judge Robart resolves the FRAND contract issues raised by a Microsoft complaint filed in November?2010.
A bench trial in Seattle will commence on November?13 and will result in a FRAND royalty rate consistent with the FRAND promise Motorola once made to the ITU, a United Nations standard-setting organization that played a key role in developing the H.264 video codec standard in which roughly 80% of all digital video is encoded these days. Google does not want Judge Robart to resolve this contract issue as planned because it knows that its entire SEP enforcement effort against Microsoft would be brought to an end. In the opinion on the preliminary injunction, the Ninth Circuit does not want to address Motorola's objections to Judge Robart's course of action, but it comes fairly close to formally endorsing some of its key elements:
"We emphasize that we do not (indeed, we may not) decide whether the district court's partial summary judgment, or its determination that it would adjudicate a [F]RAND rate, was proper ? if an appellate court is to review those determinations, it will have to do so on a final, not an interlocutory, appeal. But we do hold this much: The district court?s conclusions that Motorola's [F]RAND declarations to the ITU created a contract enforceable by Microsoft as a third-party beneficiary (which Motorola concedes), and that this contract governs in some way what actions Motorola may take to enforce its ITU standard essential patents (including the patents at issue in the German suit), were not legally erroneous. Motorola, in its declarations to the ITU, promised to 'grant a license to an unrestricted number of applicants on a worldwide, non-discriminatory basis and on reasonable terms and conditions to use the patented material necessary' to practice the ITU standards. [...]"
"In particular, the face of the contract makes clear that it encompasses not just U.S. patents, but all of Motorola's standard-essential patents worldwide. When that contract is enforced by a U.S. court, the U.S. court is not enforcing German patent law but, rather, the private law of the contract between the parties. Although patents themselves are not extraterritorial, there is no reason a party may not freely agree to reservations or limitations on rights that it would have under foreign patent law (or any other rights that it may have under foreign law) in a contract enforceable in U.S. courts. [...]"
The Ninth Circuit opinion cites to different writings and decisions on FRAND, including several quotes from Judge Posner's recent ruling. It's clear that the Ninth Circuit gave a lot of consideration to FRAND issues and that it does believe FRAND promises must be honored. It is at least very skeptical of whether the pursuit of injunctive relief is legitimate in cases in which the defendant is clearly entitled to a license on FRAND terms.
The Ninth Circuit clarifies that its affirmation of Judge Robart's antisuit injunction does not imply that there is anything fraudulent about the process in Germany. The issue is not whether the Mannheim court did the right thing or the wrong thing -- it's that Motorola engaged in forum-shopping to gain leverage in Germany before the first-filed U.S. contract issue would be resolved. In practical terms, Motorola wanted to render the Seattle proceedings meaningless by gaining enough leverage in Germany that it could get a settlement on its terms before Judge Robart would even get to adjudge the case before him. Judge Robart made it clear that he wanted to thwart that plan, and the Ninth Circuit says that he had the right to do this.
By coincidence, I discussed this complicated situation yesterday, only a few hours before the Ninth Circuit opinion in a post on the fact that the Android camp is currently enforcing only one patent injunction against Apple and none against Microsoft. If you look at item?3 of that post, you can find more detail on the procedural history of the German H.264 patent injunctions that Motorola will most likely never get to enforce.
At the start of this post I was talking about Google's strategy for addressing Android's massive patent infringement. In light of this unsuccessful appeal to the Ninth Circuit, Google should think even harder about taking a license to all those Microsoft patents that read on Android. Google should ask itself, very seriously, whether it really has a workable plan to get away with wide-ranging unlicensed infringement.
If you'd like to be updated on the smartphone patent disputes and other intellectual property matters I cover, please subscribe to my RSS feed (in the right-hand column) and/or follow me on Twitter @FOSSpatents and Google+.
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Source: http://www.fosspatents.com/2012/09/google-loses-appeal-continues-to-be.html
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by Marie on September 27, 2012
Yes, I need more storage ideas and this one is so simple. To store all those loose small craft supply pieces, create one of these Button Storage Spice Racks from The Crafty Mummy, spotted over at the M&T Spotlight. I?ve got just the bucket of buttons for this smart and simple DIY rack.
Here are a few more craft storage ideas:
Tagged as: craft supplies, organize, storage, supplies
Marie LeBaron is the founder and managing editor of Make and Takes. Always having a love of crafts, she enjoys getting messy with glue and glitter. There?s always some sort of project going on, her kitchen counter is often cluttered with crafts. When she?s not crafting and creating with her kids, she loves to run, read, and blog! Read other posts by Marie
Source: http://www.makeandtakes.com/storing-small-supplies-in-a-spice-rack
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My name is Martin Gladstone and I am delighted to contribute to this column.? I have been a lawyer in the greater Beach and Danforth area for many years, as well as a musician in my past life ? who still loves to play.? Over time, I hope to share some practical and hopefully valuable insights with you about life and law.
Life happens. You may find yourself buying and selling a home, renting an apartment, signing a lease, starting a business, being an employee or employer, owning a dog, being a neighbour, taking care of your parents, making an estate plan, having a problem at city hall, or dealing with a lawsuit. Most people will deal with a lawyer at least once in their lifetime.
That is why the best advice is to have your estate plan in order. Dying without a will is not only costly; you may lose control over your estate to many competing things ? the public trustee, the courts, or perhaps unhappy family members. No two estates are alike, but the common denominator for those who die without a will is that there is more expense, more legal work required, and a lot more stress for those left behind to clean things up.
Your will should not be confused with a power of attorney.? The will kicks in at the time of death. It speaks for you. It tells your executor exactly how things are to be distributed.
Your power of attorney is used when you are alive. You are legally donating your capacity to another person to make decisions for you. He or she can step in and pay your bills. He or she can also make medical decisions for you. The key is to select someone who knows you well, whose judgment you trust, and is close by.
Choosing who will act as your power of attorney is not a decision to be made lightly. You are granting an enormous amount of trust and responsibility to another person and you must give it real thought. You should also think about a substitute if your first choice is not available. The focus is making the appointment while you can, not allowing decisions to be made later by default by others ? including the Province.
If you have elderly parents, it is important that their powers of attorney are in place. If you have small children, you need to give some thought to appointing guardians and custodians. The most heartbreaking scenario is where there is a family situation over minors and uncertainty over schools, relocation, the house ? it does not end. Parents appointing guardians and setting up proper trusts for the kids can avoid all the disarray that flows from having no will in place.
A lighter aside is the amount of phone calls many lawyers receive from folks leaving on a trip, who are suddenly in a mad panic to have their wills put in order. The underlying belief is they may not return from the Bermuda Triangle. Sometimes we can accommodate, but of course, the process takes time to think through and structure correctly. I am happy to report that every single client of mine over the past 22 years has returned safe and sound from their journeys abroad. Sadly some have met mishaps and accidents in everyday life; others have passed unexpectedly in their sleep with no will in place. There never is a wrong time to be organized.
Another popular tool of estate planning is a living will. Most people chose to have one done at the time they tackle their estate plan. The living will has no legal effect, but it has a certain moral suasion, in that it clearly states your wishes if you become so sick that there is no quality of life and you are virtually vegetative. Your living will requests you are not kept alive by heroic measures or artificial means such as life support.? It is a very personal decision but one that equally requires some thought.
A proper estate plan today consists of your updated will, two power of attorneys ? one for medical decisions and one for property decisions ? and a living will, highly recommended so your family knows your wishes. There are different considerations for common law couples and same sex couples as well. And if you are an artist or a musician ? don?t forget your copyright! It lasts for 50 years after you?re gone!
This is not legal advice. This column is for general information only.
Source: http://www.beachmetro.com/2012/09/26/theres-will-theres/
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The third update to the third version of Gnome may send numerologists to their calendars, but we're not that way inclined. Instead, the latest bump to the software adds a new Boxes application, a new notification system and an activities overview. It's also chucking in improved accessibility support in addition to the usual raft of tweaks and bug fixes you'd expect from an update like this. It'll be available from your own vendor (or distribution) soon, or you can pick up a live image from the official site straight away.
Continue reading GNOME 3.6 arrives with new notifications and improved accessibility support
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GNOME 3.6 arrives with new notifications and improved accessibility support originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 11:41:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.
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It's a medical nightmare: a 24-year-old man endures 350 surgeries since childhood to remove growths that keep coming back in his throat and have spread to his lungs, threatening his life. Now doctors have found a way to help him by way of a scientific coup that holds promise for millions of cancer patients.
The bizarre case is the first use in a patient of a new discovery: how to keep ordinary and cancerous cells alive indefinitely in the lab.
The discovery allows doctors to grow "mini tumors" from each patient's cancer in a lab dish, then test various drugs or combinations on them to see which works best. It takes only a few cells from a biopsy and less than two weeks to do, with materials and methods common in most hospitals.
Although the approach needs much more testing against many different types of cancer, researchers think it could offer a cheap, simple way to personalize treatment without having to analyze each patient's genes.
"We see a lot of potential for it," said one study leader, Dr. Richard Schlegel, pathology chief at Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center in Washington. "Almost everyone could do it easily."
An independent expert agreed.
For infections, it's routine to grow bacteria from a patient in lab dishes to see which antibiotics work best, Dr. George Q. Daley of Children's Hospital Boston and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute said in an email. "But this has never been possible with cancer cells because they don't easily grow in culture," he said.
The new technique may reveal in advance whether a person would be helped by a specific chemotherapy, without risking side effects and lost time if the drug doesn't work. "Pretty nifty," Daley wrote.
In the case of the 24-year-old, described in Thursday's New England Journal of Medicine, lab-dish tests suggested that a drug used to treat a type of blood cancer and some other unrelated conditions might help.
It's not a drug that doctors would have thought to try, because the man technically does not have cancer. But his lung tumor shrank after a few months of treatment, and he has been stable for more than a year. He still has to have operations to remove throat growths that keep coming back, but only about once every five months.
The man, an information technology specialist in suburban Washington who asked to remain anonymous to protect his privacy, has recurrent respiratory papillomatosis, or RRP. It's usually due to infection at birth with certain types of a virus, HPV, that causes genital warts.
The condition causes wartlike growths in the throat, usually around the voice box. These growths usually are noncancerous but can turn malignant, and even benign ones can prove fatal if they spread to the lungs. The main treatment is surgery, usually with lasers to vaporize the growths and keep them from choking off the airway or making it hard to talk.
About 10,000 or more people in the U.S. have the disease, said Jennifer Woo, president of the RRP Foundation. Woo, 29, is a medical student at Georgetown and one of the researchers on the study. She also has the condition but said it is confined to her throat and has required only about 20 surgeries so far.
The man in the study has a much more serious case.
"I was diagnosed when I was 3 or 4. At first, I had to have surgery every 7 to 10 days," the man said in a phone interview. "I get short of breath and my voice will get more hoarse."
Two years ago, the growths to his lungs became extensive and life-threatening, and his physician, Dr. Scott Myers, described the condition at a meeting of Georgetown hospital specialists. "It's crushing the airway," Myers said.
Doctors suggested that the new lab method pioneered by Schlegel and others might help. It borrows an idea from stem cell researchers: adding mouse cells for nourishment, plus a chemical that prevents cell death to an ordinary lab culture medium. That enabled healthy and cancerous cells to keep growing indefinitely.
Researchers grew "mini tumors" from the man's lung mass and from healthy tissue and screened various drugs against them. One proved ineffective. Another worked against the tumor but at too high a dose to be safe. The third did the trick.
A similar approach could let doctors screen drugs for cancer patients.
"What could be more personalized than taking this person's cell, growing it in culture, finding a drug to treat them and then treat them?" said Doug Melton, co-director of the Harvard Stem Cell Institute. The Georgetown method gives an answer quickly enough that it could save lives, he said.
Tyler Jacks, a cancer researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and former president of the American Association for Cancer Research, said the next step is to show that this could work for many different cancers and that it leads to better outcomes in patients.
"It seems to have worked in this one instance, but other tumors might prove to be more challenging," he said.
The National Institutes of Health paid for much of this work and has already sent research teams to Georgetown to learn the method. About a dozen other universities have done the same, Schlegel said.
So far, his lab has grown prostate, breast, lung and colon cancer cells.
Georgetown University is seeking a patent on the method.
AP Science Writer Malcolm Ritter contributed to this report from New York.
Medical journal: http://www.nejm.org
Throat disease: http://www.nidcd.nih.gov/health/voice/pages/laryngeal.aspx
Marilynn Marchione can be followed at http://twitter.com/MMarchioneAP
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Staples announced this morning that it is?"embarking on a strategic plan to better serve the needs of its customers and accelerate growth."
It's going to?close or downsize dozens of stores, make leadership changes,?increase investment in online and mobile (funded by a $250 million cost-savings plan), combine its U.S. retail and Staples.com businesses and totally reorganize its international operations.
You can read the full release, which describes Staples' plan in more detail, here.
It's making bold moves, and something drastic had to be done to turn things around. Staples posted sales declines the last two quarters and purchasing trends continue to shift online.
What does this all mean?
"The days of hawking non-essential commodity goods inside humongous square footage are long gone," writes Brian Sozzi, chief equities analyst at NBG Productions, in a note this morning.
"Yet, there is this feeling that brick and mortar names without unique experiences or traffic driving offerings (think food) are only stalling the inevitable by closing under-performing locations as opposed to repositioning for a future of success."
Here are four more big messages taken away from Staples' big announcement. From Sozzi:
Source: http://www.businessinsider.com/staples-disaster-retail-2012-9
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Transitional cell carcinoma: The lifetime risk is 4-10%. This principally affects the upper urinary tract (ureters and renal pelvis).
Adenocarcinoma of the small bowel cancers: The lifetime risk is 1-3%. These occur most commonly in the duodenum and jejunum.
Glioblastoma: The lifetime risk is 1-4%. Also known as Turcot syndrome, this is a variant of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) (see below).
Malignancies of the larynx, breast, prostate, liver, biliary tree, pancreas, and the hematopoietic system are more common in patients with hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC).
Type of Cancer | General Population Risk (by age 70 y) | Lynch Syndrome Risk (by age 70 y) | |
Endometrial | 1.5% | 30-40% | |
Ovarian | 1% | 9-12% | |
Upper Urinary Tract | Less than 1% | 4-10% | |
Stomach | Less than 1% | 13% (higher in Asians) | |
Small Bowel | Less than 1% | 1-3% | |
Brain | Less than 1% | 1-4% | |
Biliary Tract | Less than 1% | 1-5% | ......cont'd |
Source: http://ovariancancerandus.blogspot.com/2012/09/emedicine-hereditary-colorectal-cancer.html
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TIP! Don?t hide assets or liabilities when filing for bankruptcy. The lawyer representing you when you file needs to have full knowledge of your financial situation.
Do not approach personal bankruptcy in a capricious manner. Therefore, it is very important to understand what you are doing when you file for bankruptcy. If you want to take the next right step, simply follow that tips presented here. Whatever your particular difficult situation entails, you can learn how to handle it with a little research.
TIP! Know your rights when filing for bankruptcy. Some bill collectors will tell you that your debts can?t be bankrupted.
Be certain to be transparent about all of your financial information when the filing of for personal bankruptcy. Leaving out information either purposely or by mistake can prolong your petition, or have it dismissed completely. Add every summer, no matter how insignificant, to your documentation. Include all jobs, assets and loans.
TIP! Be honest no matter what happens during your filing for bankruptcy. In fact, lying about what debts and assets you posses is one of the most serious mistakes you can make.
Before making the decision to file for bankruptcy, be sure to do some research and learn all you can about the subject. There are many websites available that offer this information. The United States There is solid advice available from the NACBA, (Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys? association) the ABI, (American Bankruptcy Institute) and the United States Department of Justice. Knowing is half the battle, after all, and these websites are the first step in learning what you need to know to make your bankruptcy smooth and stress-free.
TIP! You do not lose everything that you own when you decide to declare bankruptcy. You will be able to keep your personal property.
Determine the type of bankruptcy that is best for you and your situation. There are various forms of bankruptcy. It is necessary to understand the different types of bankruptcy available. Examine the good and bad points of each bankruptcy type, and ask for advice from a financial planner before making your final decision.
TIP! When choosing an attorney you must ensure that the one selected is experienced in this field. There are so many bankruptcy attorneys to choose from.
Don?t throw in the towel. If you file for bankruptcy at the right time it could enable you to get your property back that you lost to repossession. You may be able to recover repossessed property if the repossession occurred fewer than 90 days ago. Consult with a lawyer who can help you along with filing the petition.
TIP! Remember to have fun with your life when you?re done with the filing process initially. Filing for personal bankruptcy can be very stressful for the debtor.
Before you file for personal bankruptcy, be sure that you are cognizant of all current laws. The laws change a lot, so you need to look them up and have a better idea of how to properly approach the bankruptcy process. Keep up with your current state?s laws and regulations to figure out what steps you should take.
TIP! You can either qualify for a Homestead Exemption to Chapter 7 or you should file for Chapter 13 to secure your home. Since it may be better to file Chapter 13 rather than Chapter 7, make sure your attorney presents all of your options to you.
There are circumstances where you are able to keep your car during a bankruptcy so be sure to ask your lawyer about possibly reducing the payments. Chapter 7 usually can help payments be lowered. In order for this to succeed, you must have bought your car in excess of 910 days before filing, have a higher interest loan for it as well as a consistent work history.
TIP! Try to get a referral from a trusted source before choosing an attorney to handle your bankruptcy and make sure they have no issues with the state bar or the better business bureau. This type of legislation is popular for the inexperienced.
It is important to stay tuned in to what your lawyer is doing during this whole process. It is important to keep informed, so don?t be afraid to call and ask any questions you may have. It is entirely possible for mistakes to be made by personnel in busy offices of law. Lawyers may seem like they are always on the ball, but they screw up just like everyone else.
TIP! You need to tell your bankruptcy attorney about all of your financial obligations, even small ones. You should include loans from friends and family as well as money owed for credit cards, medical expenses and any other loan companies.
Do not rely too heavily on your lawyer. Your attorney is a professional who knows about laws regarding bankruptcy, but you should still know as much as you can about the proceedings. Don?t assume your lawyer is taking care of everything, you need to be on top of it, these are your finances that are being scrutinized.
TIP! Do as much research as you can before making the decision to file bankruptcy. Think carefully about your situation with debt and determine which debts can be discharged with your bankruptcy.
After reading this article, you will know how to file a claim bankruptcy. You may become overwhelmed with the process. If that begins to happen, always refer back to these tips. Take some deep breaths, and think about what you?ve just learned. Then you will be prepared to make informed decisions about bankruptcy and your financial future
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The self-comparisons with Dostoevsky and Rabelais, and other great writers of the past, also seem a little pompous, until one realises that this memoir is not just about Salman Rushdie?s life or relationships. It is a defense of literature itself and a chronicle of our times. AFP
By Oindrila Mukherjee
The epigraph of Joseph Anton: A Memoir (Random House; 636 pages) includes the words ?what?s past is prologue? from Shakespeare?s The Tempest. Certainly, the last couple of weeks, following the release of an anti-Islam YouTube video and the subsequent murder of the US ambassador to Libya would indicate exactly that. The past is not over; it is merely an indication of what?s to come.
Salman Rushdie?s much awaited memoir begins on that fateful day, 14 February, 1989, when the author received his Valentine?s Day greeting from the Ayatollah Khomeini, and traces Rushdie?s life for the next decade, lived under the shadow of the fatwa. Except it isn?t really his life. It?s the life of Joseph Anton.
This Tom Clancy-esque life
Rushdie was asked to come up with an alias that would enable him to rent homes and write checks, and also prevent the secret police assigned to protect him from inadvertently saying his name in public. Indian names were forbidden because they might be too obvious. Rushdie said in a recent interview with Charlie Rose that he had to give up not only his home but even the ethnicity of his name. In the end, he ?retreated into literature,? and found the names of two of his favourite writers ? Joseph Conrad and Anton Chekov. Thus, a new persona was born.
The creation of this persona might be one reason why this memoir is written entirely in third person. Rushdie has said he felt like the events were happening to someone else. The third person perhaps helped him to detach himself and novelise his life. The device has a curious effect. It is so clearly Rushdie?s voice and life, that I unconsciously inserted the ?I? into the sentences.
Rushdie has said he felt like the events were happening to someone else.?AP
In many parts, the memoir reads like a spy novel. With the help of a journal he kept at the time, Rushdie recreates the daily trials of his surreal life. We see him ducking behind a kitchen counter, fleeing from home to home every time his cover was blown, living in hotels and friends? homes for days, weeks, or months at a time, and being ?dry-cleaned? by police vehicles on the streets when he needed to go somewhere ? an elaborate ritual that involved mixing up car speeds, and changing lanes to throw off potential tails. The need to constantly hide, live with protection officers, and notify the police of every move, reveals an existence that was devoid of privacy, spontaneity, and of course, independence.
The long, dark months are contrasted by occasional, brief visits to the USA, where Joseph Anton was able to enjoy the ordinary pleasures of life, such as a walk in Battery Park, a buggy ride, or throwing a football around on the beach. In recent times, the American media has portrayed Rushdie as a party animal, who is frequently sighted at various social events across New York. The freedom to go out in public at will, after years of being imprisoned in temporary homes, must be euphoric.
Celebrity encounters
Salman Rushdie is the ultimate cosmopolitan. Even in the darkest times, his life still would seem glamorous to many. The memoir mentions his surprise appearance at a U2 concert, dinners with the who?s who of the literary world, friendships with Martin Amis, Angela Carter, and Edward Said, encounters with Vaclav Havel, John Major, and other heads of state.
Listening to one of Rushdie?s talks or reading his memoirs have a similar effect. Both include a generous sprinkling of celebrity anecdotes. He travels to America on a plane whose interior is designed by Ralph Lauren. He played croquet with EM Forster when he was a student at Cambridge. He stayed at Bono?s home in Ireland where guests were asked to scribble messages on the bathroom wall. He received a kiss on the mouth from Hugh Grant during the filming of Bridget Jones? Diary, but it never made the final cut.
We get interesting information not only about Rushdie, but about other iconic figures. Edward Said was a hypochondriac until he really fell seriously ill with leukemia. The painter MF Husain painted over a portrait of Rushdie?s mother made by the artist Krishen Khanna, sold it, and later refused to divulge its whereabouts. Writer Thomas Pynchon appears at a dinner hosted by Sonny Mehta, publisher at Knopf, ?looking exactly as Thomas Pynchon should look. He was tall, wore a red-and-white lumberjack shirt and blue jeans, had Albert Einstein white hair and Bugs Bunny front teeth.? Angela Carter sat upright in an armchair and bravely poured tea a month before she died of lung cancer.
Along with his faithful recording of loyal friends who stood by him, Rushdie makes sure to mention the detractors. Cat Stevens repeatedly ?bubbled up in The Guardian like a fart in a bathtub,? demanding that Rushdie withdraw his book and ?repent.?
Of Arundhati Roy he says he ran into her at the launch of The God of Small Things, and wanted to congratulate her for a positive review she?d received by John Updike in the New Yorker. But he found her in a surprisingly icy mood. When he suggested she enjoy her books success instead of being so cool, she looked him straight in the eye, said, ?I am pretty cool,? and turned away.
The memoir could easily have been a hundred pages shorter. There are esoteric passages on the history of Mauritius, when he goes there for a vacation, or the life of German photographer Gustavo Thorlichen for instance, that seem a tad long. But if you?ve heard Rushdie speaking in public, he is both erudite and voluble.
Last spring, when I was teaching fiction writing at Emory University, I requested Rushdie to visit my class. It was without a doubt one of the most entertaining 75 minutes in the history of creative writing pedagogy.?He told the students in my class, quite accurately, if they wanted their protagonist to sleep with a woman, they probably shouldn?t have him tell her that.
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By MICHAEL FALCONE ( @michaelpfalcone ) and AMY WALTER ( @amyewalter )
BUMPY MONDAY AFTER OBAMA SAYS 'BUMPS IN THE ROAD': Republicans are pouncing on President Obama for referring to "bumps in the road" in the Middle East, during his "60 Minutes" interview that aired Sunday night, ABC's Jake Tapper notes. Here's the exchange: Steve Kroft: "Have the events that took place in the Middle East, the recent events in the Middle East given you any pause about your support for the governments that have come to power following the Arab Spring?" President Obama: "Well, I'd said even at the time that this is going to be a rocky path. The question presumes that somehow we could have stopped this wave of change. I think it was absolutely the right thing for us to do to align ourselves with democracy, universal rights - a notion that people have to be able to participate in their own governance. But I was pretty certain and continue to be pretty certain that there are going to be bumps in the road because, you know, in a lot of these places, the one organizing principle has been Islam." http://abcn.ws/RbGUmn
ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL ON DEFENSE: A senior administration official e-mails ABC's Jake Tapper: "1) It's just not true that he was characterizing the attack in Benghazi - the question doesn't even make mention of it. He's speaking about broad trends. 2) Take a look at his answer - what is there to disagree with? We are holding true to our values. We face entrenched strains of extremism. We will benefit from a region that is more peaceful. 3) This is clearly a rocky path - the point he also makes clearly is that we have an interest in democratic transitions succeeding." http://abcn.ws/RbGUmn
ROMNEY CAMPAIGN POUNCES: Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul issued this statement: "After nearly four years in office, President Obama is eager to make excuses for his failed policies at home and abroad by declaring 'bumps in the road.' But it's clear Americans can't afford four more years like the last four years under the President's policies."
COUNTDOWN TO ELECTION DAY: There are 43 days to go until Nov. 6, 2012. ABC News' battleground state rankings: http://abcn.ws/OovnMp
In a letter released by his campaign last Friday, Mitt Romney's doctor gave him more than just a clean bill of health. His personal physician called the Republican presidential candidate a "vigorous man" with "reserves of strength, energy and stamina that provide him with the ability to meet unexpected demands."
And it's a good thing because the past two weeks have brought more than a few of those "unexpected demands" - from a foreign policy crisis that spilled over onto the campaign trail to a hidden camera video that landed Romney in hot water to the release of his tax returns on Friday afternoon
And to meet those demands, Romney has become a candidate who wears many hats.
There's CEO Mitt who some political observers say runs his campaign too much like he ran the private equity firm, Bain Capital. The Associated Press's Kasie Hunt elaborated in a recent article: "He likes to watch the TV ads before they go on the air. He reviewed Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan's financial information before selecting him for the No. 2 spot. He's rarely separated from chief strategist Stuart Stevens. They often spend hours conversing and poking at an iPad on the campaign's charter plane. If Romney's not with Stevens, he's often calling him." http://bit.ly/Q4QPuu
These are the kind of habits that led Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan to write a column titled, "The Romney Campaign Needs A New CEO" with some advice for the GOP presidential contender: "He can't be the CEO of the campaign and be the candidate. The candidate is out there every day standing for things, fighting for a hearing, trying to get the American people to listen, agree and follow. ?The candidate cannot oversee strategy, statements, speechwriting, ads. He shouldn't be debating what statistic to put on slide four of the Powerpoint presentation." http://on.wsj.com/3ksWVd
Then there's the cool-calm-and-collected Romney - so cool, in fact, that he can seem dismissive of the problems that have beset his campaign. This is the Romney who said in an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," which aired last night, that his campaign does not need a reset.
"It doesn't need a turnaround," Romney said. "We've got a campaign which is tied with an incumbent president to the United States."
Well, not exactly. While many national polls show a neck-and-neck race, surveys in the eight crucial swing states that will ultimately decide who wins the White House give President Obama a lead, not just in a few of the states, but in every single one. There's enough time for Romney to catch up, but with 43 days to go until Nov. 6, that window is getting smaller.
There's also feisty Mitt. The one who bounded to the back of his campaign plane last night on his way from California to Colorado and accused the president of "trying to fool people into thinking that I think things that I don't." http://abcn.ws/UvGpXl
He went on to take Obama to task for running ads that are "factually inaccurate."
"He keeps running these things even though he knows they're wrong and saying them in rallies even though he knows they're wrong," Romney said.
"That ends at the debates," Romney told reporters. "I hope I'll be able to describe my positions in a way that is accurate and the people will make a choice as to which path they want to choose."
That's a lot of Romneys for one campaign. And his real challenge ahead of the first debate on Oct. 3 is closing the gap with the president in at least a few of the tossup states. This week, Romney and running mate Paul Ryan are plunging headfirst into of the most important battlegrounds - Ohio - just as polls show President Obama with a consistent lead there. An NBC News-Wall Street Journal-Marist poll out earlier this month put Obama's edge in Ohio at seven percentage points over his Republican challenger and a RealClearPolitics.com average of recent polls pegs the president's lead over Romney at roughly four points.
But the GOP ticket's focus on the state next week reflects its importance on the political map. Without winning there Romney faces a much trickier path to the 270 electoral votes he needs to win.
ABC's Jake Tapper reported for "Good Morning America" today on last night's dueling "60 Minutes" interviews. WATCH: http://abcn.ws/QcVMBi
ABC's RICK KLEIN: It's been a while since President Obama has faced aggressive, to-his-face questioning - and it can show. As Mitt Romney prepares for the first debate, just nine days away, the president's "60 Minutes" interview can provide some clues around areas of vulnerability. Obama looked tired, and sometimes he looked like he wanted to be someplace else. He also fell into a habit of answering questions he's heard before with clich?s - thus a "rocky path" and "bumps in the road" are what to expect in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, an aftermath that's already turned violent and tragically deadly. Tweeted Laura Ingraham: "Obama's prickly &snippy responses to modestly challenging Qs shd tell Romney to land a flurry of close-in punches early during debates. KEY."
ABC's AMY WALTER: As Romney barnstorms across the battleground states he's confronted by the fact that he's trailing in every single one. An off-the-record survey of a handful of Democratic and Republican political operatives who see a lot of statewide polling data suggests the following:
-Wisconsin, Nevada, and Ohio are the toughest states for Romney to win. If he loses all three he can't win. Even if he swept all the other toss up states he'd end up with just 267 to Obama's 271.
-Florida, Colorado, and New Hampshire are the best opportunities for Romney.
-Democrats feel very bullish about Iowa - a state Obama has invested in heavily with both time and money. Republicans still consider it a good opportunity.
-Despite recent polling showing Obama up by as many as eight points in Virginia, operatives on both sides think the state is much more competitive than that.
DEMOCRATIC COUNTER-PROGRAMMING: OHIO EDITION. From the Democratic National Committee: "Today, the DNC will kick off the 'Mitt Romney: Writing Off the Middle Class' bus tour with stops in Lima, Dayton and Cincinnati, Ohio. They will continue their bus tour through Ohio with stops in Columbus, Toledo and Cleveland tomorrow. Ohioans from every walk of life - students, seniors, union members, veterans - and local officials, including former Governor Ted Strickland, former State Senator Fred Strahorn and State Senator Eric Kearney, will discuss the choice for Ohio's middle class between moving our country forward with an economy built from the middle out, or returning to the same, failed top-down economics that punished Ohio families and wrote off millions of Americans."
GOP TOUTS 'RECORD-BREAKING' GROUND GAME. Republican National Committee political director Rick Wiley is out with a Monday morning memo describing the GOP's robust ground game heading into the final crucial months before Election Day. Wiley writes that "by any and every measure, this year's ground game is significantly moving the needle on the ground." Here's an excerpt: "Overall, we have made more than 26 million voter contacts, thanks to the efforts of our 73,000 volunteers. This week, we expect to make our 30 millionth voter contact. By mid-September, we had already surpassed the 2008 operation in total volunteer voter contacts. We've knocked on nearly 2 million more doors than in all of 2008, and we've made six times more phone calls than at this point four years ago. In addition to our volunteer voter contact program, direct voter contact through an aggressive absentee ballot, persuasion, early vote and GOTV mail and phone program in our battleground states will ensure targeted voters are contacted dozens of times through our paid effort. This coupled with our unprecedented volunteer voter contact effort adds up to the largest, most sophisticated turnout program ever put on the field in Republican politics."
REINCE PRIEBUS: LAST WEEK WAS 'GOOD' FOR GOP. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus told ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "I think we can look back at last week as a campaign in a couple months and say, this was the defining week in both campaigns, where I think both campaigns are crystallizing around a central theme, which is going to be, what kind of future do we want for our kids and grandkids? ? I think that we had a good week last week, I think in retrospect, in that we were able to frame up the debate last week in the sense of, what future do we want" http://abcn.ws/ShLsZm
ANN COULTER: DEMOCRATS 'DROPPING BLACKS' FOR HISPANICS. During ABC's "This Week" roundtable, conservative commentator Ann Coulter made that provocative claim after Univision anchor Jorge Ramos noted GOP difficulties winning Hispanic votes. Ramos said: "If Republicans don't do something with immigration, and if Republicans are so far away from - from Latinos, they're going to lose not only this election, they might lose the White House for a generation." Coulter interjected: "That's why the Democrats are dropping the blacks and moving on to the Hispanics." http://abcn.ws/PAD8BI
with ABC's Chris Good ( @c_good)
OBAMA, ROMNEY BATTLE FOR COAL COUNTRY. With Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan launching an Ohio bus tour today, and with President Obama traveling to Bowling Green and Kent on Wednesday, the campaign this week will be all about the Buckeye State-and voters in southeastern Ohio are seeing a relatively new round of ads focusing on coal. Mitt Romney launched two new TV ads last week featuring miners who criticize President Obama's coal policies. Over the weekend, President Obama launched his own ad hitting back. Script: "Seen these new ads, where Mitt Romney says he's a friend of coal country? This is the guy who wants to keep tax breaks that ship American jobs overseas. The same guy who had a Swiss bank account and millions in tax havens like Bermuda and the Caymans. And on coal? Well, here's what he said as governor, outside a coal-fire power plant. [ROMNEY:] I will not create jobs or hold jobs that kill people. And that plant? That plant kills people. [WORDS ON SCREEN: 'MITT ROMNEY. Not One of Us.']" The ads are airing in West Virginia media markets that cover several Ohio counties. WATCH Romney's ads here: http://bit.ly/RWdWE6 , http://bit.ly/PQOKjV ; WATCH Obama's new ad: http://bit.ly/PfotL6
JFK TAPES: NEW INSIGHT INTO CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS TENSIONS. ABC's Rick Klein writes, on the newly published John F. Kennedy presidential tapes included in the book and accompanying CDs, "Listening In: The Secret White House Recordings of John F. Kennedy": In the heat of the Cuban Missile Crisis, President John F. Kennedy thought the nation was so close to war with the Soviet Union that he game-planned how American naval vessels would fire on Soviet ships, making plans for firing warning shots, and even the confiscation of cameras aboard American boats to prevent pictures from making their way into the press. In a phone call to Assistant Defense Secretary Roswell Gilpatric - secretly recorded by the president on Oct. 23, 1962 - Kennedy ordered that U.S. service members on board ships that would engage the Soviets be forced to turn in their cameras. ? "I was wondering whether the instructions on how that's to be done, or where they're to be shot at, and so on, to cause the minimum of damage," Kennedy said. "And in addition, if they're boarded, it's very possible the Russians will fire at them as they board, and we'd have to fire back and have quite a slaughter." http://abcn.ws/QyWHsS
CAROLINE KENNEDY ON THE TAPES. Caroline Kennedy tells ABC's Diane Sawyer in an exclusive interview: "I think you really get a sense of just how scary it was to the people in the room. It wasn't just outlining a set of options, it was really that they felt this sense of, you know, this could be life or death for not just the people in the room, but for our whole country." http://abcn.ws/OOUfCL
ABC VIDEO: VOTA POR MI! WHY THE LATINO VOTE IS CRUCIAL. In the latest installment of ABC/Yahoo! web show Political Punch, ABC's Jake Tapper looks at the all-important Latino vote, as both candidates have courted Latinos in interviews, speeches, Spanish-language ads, and at their conventions. Tapper reports: The point is not that Obama will win the Latino vote-he will-it's a question of by how much. That difference could determine the election. One study suggests the percentage of Latinos among eligible voters will include 37.9 percent in New Mexico, 16.5 percent in Florida, 14.2 percent in Nevada, 13.1 perceng in Colorado. http://yhoo.it/PQMSaR
ANALYSIS: GROUND SHIFTS BENEATH ROMNEY'S CAMPAIGN. From ABC's Rick Klein: Even the economy, long the rationale for Romney's candidacy, is slipping away as a natural area of advantage for the challenger. A series of recent polls in battleground states show Obama with a narrow edge on trust on the economy, numbers that have inched along with perceptions of the country moving toward a positive direction. ? The situation puts more pressure on Romney to deliver in the presidential debates, particularly the first encounter Oct. 3 in Denver. His campaign needs to create major moments to change the trajectory of the race, and no opportunity is as ready-made for that as much as the first debate. Romney can make his case on the economy face-to-face with the president. http://abcn.ws/Sg9KhO
NEW OBAMA AD USES '47 PERCENT' VIDEO. A new ad from President Obama features the now-infamous fundraiser video of Mitt Romney while hitting the GOP nominee, once again, over his tax returns-this time criticizing Romney for not releasing his past returns before 2010. On Friday, Romney's campaign released his 2011 tax returns and summaries for years past. In the ad, a narrator says: "Mitt Romney paid just 14.1% in taxes last year. He keeps millions in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands. He won't release his tax returns before 2010. Maybe instead of attacking others on taxes, Romney should come clean on his." http://bit.ly/PfgGwT
OBAMA: SOME ADS HAVE GONE 'OVERBOARD.' The Romney campaign points to another clip from Obama's "60 Minutes" interview. OBAMA: "Do we see sometimes us going overboard in our campaign? Are there mistakes that are made, are there areas where there's no doubt that somebody could dispute how we are presenting things? You know, that happens in politics ? the truth of the matter is, the most of the time we're having a vigorous debate about a vision for the country, and there's a lot at stake in this election. So, is it going to be sharp sometimes? Absolutely. But will the American people ultimately have a good sense of where I want to take the country and where Governor Romney wants to take the country? I think they will." http://cbsn.ws/SNNlJx
FROM THE ROMNEY CAMPAIGN: Romney campaign spokesman Ryan Williams chimed in: "The Obama campaign and its allies have repeatedly shown a reckless disregard for the truth - all while claiming to be concerned with 'the facts.' Tonight, even President Obama himself admitted his campaign has gone 'overboard' and made mistakes. The real test now is whether or not the President will change course and honor his long-discarded promise to change the tone in Washington."
ROMNEY ON ANTI-AMERICAN SENTIMENT: FOCUS ON ISRAEL. More from Romney's "60 Minutes" interview: SCOTT PELLEY: How would you ease the anti-American sentiment that we see in the Middle East? ROMNEY: Communicate to nations like Egypt, and Egypt is- if you will, the - major player, 80 million people, the center of the Arab world. Egypt needs to understand what the rules are. That to remain an ally of the United States, to receive foreign aid from the United States, to receive foreign investment from ourselves and from our friends, I believe, around the world, that they must honor their peace agreement with Israel. That they must also- show respect and - provide civil rights for minorities in their country. And they also have to protect - our embassies I think we also have to communicate that Israel is our ally. Our close ally. The President's decision not to meet with Bibi Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, when the Prime Minister is here for the United Nations session I think is a mistake and sends a message throughout the Middle East that somehow we distance ourselves from our friends and I think the exact opposite approach is what's necessary.
HOW MITT AND ANN STAY IN TOUCH. The Des Moines Register interviews Ann Romney on getting used to the high-pressure campaign lifestyle. Jennifer Jacobs writes: "Ann Romney put off having Secret Service protection until the convention, when her husband was officially named the GOP presidential nominee, mostly because she craved independence and the ability to go about daily life without much fuss. 'Just to keep my privacy, and still have a life,' she said with a laugh. ? To stay close when they're far apart, Ann and Mitt Romney usually talk by phone each morning and night, and email each other in between, she said. ? On Wednesday, he was in Miami, and she was in the Central time zone. When it grew late, she texted him: 'So sorry, I know you're still at an event, but I'm going to bed.' 'The funny thing is, he's always griping to campaign staff that they're working me too hard. And I'm always griping to the campaign staff that they're working him too hard,' she said with a grin." http://dmreg.co/Sgdf8b
AKIN STILL CONFIDENT HE CAN WIN. USA Today's Susan Davis reports: "Todd Akin's message to anyone hoping he would bail out of the Missouri Senate race: 'Those people are fooling themselves.' In an interview with USA TODAY, the Republican lawmaker - abandoned by his party and GOP outside groups when he made controversial comments last month about the abortion rights of raped women - is unbowed and confident that he is on track to defeat incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill. ? 'We are moving full speed ahead. We have tremendous focus to do what I was commissioned to do by the voters of the state of Missouri and that is replace Claire McCaskill,' he said." http://usat.ly/VwPz3Q
-DEMOCRATIC SUPER PAC LAUNCHES 'MEET THE CROOKS' WEBSITE. The Democratic super PAC, American Bridge 21st Century, unveiled a new website today called MeetTheCrooks.com. The point of the site, according to the group, is to highlight "four of the worst ethical transgressors currently running for U.S. Congress. Between them, these candidates have managed to accumulate at least 13 separate investigations by agencies including the IRS, the FBI, and state and county prosecutors. They have been accused of cheating on taxes, evading campaign finance laws, and even secretly running a fake Democrat to interfere with a Democratic primary." The candidates: Vern Buchanan (Florida), Michael Grimm (New York), Abel Maldonado (California), David Rivera (Florida). http://meetthecrooks.com/ -OBAMA CAMPAIGN MEMO: ROMNEY INVESTS IN CHINA. With both candidates heading to Ohio this week, Obama for America Press Secretary Ben LaBolt writes in a memo e-mailed to reporters: "[W]e now know that Romney has continued to invest in China. As he rolls his bus through the many Ohio towns that are benefiting from the President's actions to save the auto industry and protect American workers from unfair Chinese trade practices, Mitt Romney will, as they say, have some explaining to do. ? Romney invested in Cnooc, the Chinese state-owned oil company ? Romney invested in the Chinese online-video company Youku, a known perpetrator of intellectual property theft and piracy ? Romney still holds substantial investments in China through Bain Capital" http://bit.ly/Spw52f
-ROMNEY WEB VIDEO: 'NO, I CAN'T.' A new Mitt Romney web video highlights young people reacting to President Obama's comment that "you can't change Washington from the inside." "No, I can't?" they ask. "What I got was a bleak future that's forced me to move back in with my parents" after voting for Obama in 2008, one says. http://bit.ly/PQK0KW
-SCOTT BROWN LAUNCHES NEW TV AD: 'WHO KNOWS.' The Brown campaign is going negative in an ad released this morning. The ad, titled "Who Knows" criticizes Elizabeth Warren for self-identifying to employers as "Native American"- a much talked about controversy that surfaced during the spring of this year. The 30-second spot features clips from a series of broadcast news reports discussing the story and it marks the latest develop in a series of attacks from both candidates against one another in the hotly contested race. WATCH: http://bit.ly/UvSqfp
@HotlineReid : Must-read from @shiratoeplitz: How the DCCC and NRCC cut off candidates who can't win - http://www.rollcall.com/issues/58_24/Triage-Looms-Over-Campaigns-217770-1.html ?
@rachelweinerwp : Obama admits some of his ads go 'overboard' http://wapo.st/VwUuBK
@GeraldFSeib : Evidence so far suggests Super PACS may be less super than initially supposed. WSJ's look: http://on.wsj.com/QxHFDK via @WSJ #election2012
@samsteinhp : tough for Obama campaign to hit Romney for not specifying deductions and cuts when Axelrod keeps it that vague on Social Security reform
@jmartpolitico : Attn Messrs Gigot and Kristol: P Ryan mocks the very "conservative pundits" that did much to make his career > http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/ryan-were-going-to-beat-him-il6vfi7-170909701.html ?
with ABC's Josh Haskell ( @HaskellBuzz)
-President Obama travels to New York City in the afternoon to tape an appearance on "The View." The President is in town for the UN General Assembly and will attend a reception for visiting Heads of State in the evening, accompanied by the First Lady.
-Mitt Romney is in Colorado where he'll hold a rally at the Pueblo Weisbrod Aircraft Museum.
-Paul Ryan makes his way to Ohio for the kick-off of the Romney/Ryan Bus Tour. The VP nominee with hold an afternoon town hall in Lima, OH.
-Vice President Biden is in Washington, DC with no public events.
Check out The Note's Futures Calendar : http://abcn.ws/ZI9gV
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